Veeam Legend Hat in full display at Toronto Pearson Airport

VeeamON 2022 is in the history books and what a conference it was!

While I did attend an in person conference in October (Kubecon NA, Los Angeles) this was the first one that seemed almost covid free and brought back deja-vu scenes of years gone by. The value of in person events cannot be understated. There is something about human interactions which is simply lost over the phone or on a Zoom meeting. While in Vegas I also did two live presentations for the Kasten Learning site at KubeconEU in Valencia Spain , and it was very nice to see Kasten in full strength at VeeamON as well!

Kasten in the House!

I have been back only a few days and I am still processing all of the events and information.

There were many excellent technical sessions and it seemed like everyone wanted to be at their best for this return to normality. The receptions and parties made the adjustment back to real life much easier to say the least.

The Gates of Green!

The final party was held on a roof top overlooking all of Vegas. Hard not to feel cool despite the desert heat in a location like this.

Yes, that is the famous Hannes from the Veeam R&D forums on my left!

I wanted this blog post to be short and sweet and I think that if there is one photo that summarizes exactly how everyone felt about VeeamON 2022 then it is this one here below.

Caught the moment and the feeling!

Next year VeeamON will be back in Miami. You don’t want to miss this stellar event!